If you are not able to pay your balance in full, we offer payment plan options for fall and spring semesters. A payment plan enables you to break your education costs into monthly payments rather than pay for the entire semester in one large sum. These plans allow for the payment of balances due that are not covered by scholarships, loans or other financial aid. You can choose between 4, 5 or 6-month plan options. There is a $55 non-refundable payment plan application fee, per academic semester. Also, financial aid award arrangements must be completed and third-party scholarship agreements on file before the University will approve a payment plan.
Payment plans generally open for Fall on June 1 and for Spring on November 1, depending upon the plan selected (4, 5 or 6-month).
Payments are due no later than the 15th of the month. Payments for fall plans would start as early as July 1 and payments for spring as early as December 1.
Payment plans offer:
- a convenient payment option with no approval required to participate
- an easy enrollment process that can be completed online
- payment schedules that reflect a typical bill-paying cycle
Payment plans are NOT available for summer academic terms.